Thursday, April 5, 2012

A New Direction and New Year's Resolutions

Do excuse my absence from the blog world... A lot has happened, and honestly I feel as though I have lost my way at times. A lot has happened.

I had a son in September...


And I'm in love with him. Who could give anything less to this little man?


Being a mom has brought a new deeper love than I had ever thought possible. And it's impossible to ignore his presence in my life. Rest assured that my new role as mother will be the topic of many posts to come.

I have also set some goals for this year. And while April is not exactly the time to talk about New Year's resolutions... I'm embracing mine publicly at this time. Last year I resolved to clean my closet... and damnit, I finished on December 31st. I think good New Years resolutions will last the whole year through if they reflect your true heart for change. So why not?

1) Be 20 pounds lighter in 2012. It's a bold goal... and one I've been vastly struggling with as far as how to get there. More details about my struggles in the future.


2) Be one book "lighter" by the end of the year. Translation: get off my booty and make a presentable manuscript that will hopefully be accepted by a publisher by the end of the year... or at least, send out query letters for it. The rest is in someone else's hands.

So there you have it. Three very different topics to this blog than previously laid out. Motherhood. Weightloss. Writing.

And maybe some design thrown in here and there. ;-) I'm becoming much more modern in my tastes... and would love to share some things with you.

To those who actually decide to follow my journey. Welcome. I hope I can inspire a few, and find encouragement from you as well.


Monday, November 29, 2010

In Case You Were Wondering...

This is what I have been doing this month.


And make no mistake, I am not above bragging. :-D

Crafts and re-do's to follow!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Showin' Some HomeGoods Love

Yes, we all love the awesome re-do.

Of course.

I'm not going to argue with you.

But where would we be without some inspiration?

Enter in one of my favorite stores: HomeGoods. Don't know what it is? Well, go look for one! Think of a Marshalls or TJ Maxx or Ross or ... (you get the point,) where everything inside is ONLY stuff for your house. Home decor, pots and pans, dishes, bath towels, FURNITURE, mirrors, aNyThInG. Magic.

Here are some pix of some things I fell in love with at the most recent HomeGoods that opened up fairly close to home... (oh the danger!)

Some Parisian love!

Is this buffet not to-die-for??


These are my mom's colors. I just had to put them on here.

Again, just amazing.

OK, are you officially convinced? They had a ton more, but I was trying to edit. Hope you enjoyed!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Sorry for the huge delay. It seems my day-time job has taken it's toll and I'm officially restricted in the amount of time I can throw into projects. That being said, I have started and actually completed some curtains that I would love to show you. :)

So the colors in my current living room are this relatively bright blue and some browns. Not my ideal, but hey, I didn't purchase one bit of furniture. (Thank you landlord and roomies!) So I found a blue toile that I loved, (I've always loved toile.) But when you live with 3 men, you can't use an ultra-feminine fabric like toile. So enter in geometric brown and blue patterns and voila!

Curtains detail


What do you think??

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bar Stools Before and After

So the other day I finally went and bought a ton of fabric, (thank you Joann's Fabrics Columbus day sale.) Here is project number one.

Enter in boring, stained bar stool.
Bar stool before 2

Hello New Fabric!
Bar Stools after 2

I couldn't stand to do all my bar stools the same way, so I have the stripes going both horizontally and vertically. Thought it would add more appeal. I have 4 of them all together, so I feel the vertical and horizontal even out. :-)

BTW, I love using my staple gun.

What about you guys? What's your favorite tool to work with? Or favorite project to work on?

Monday, October 11, 2010

In Honor of Columbus Day...

I bring you a crocheting project that has been months in the making. I am finally able to post it because I was finally able to GIVE it to the recipient this past week. Yay!

So let's check it out. A little boy's sweater, a sailor cardigan, crocheted by yours truly. (The pattern was from the book entitled "Crochet for Babies.")

Crocheted sailor Cardigan

My favorite part about this cardigan (other than it's obvious cute-ness) is the details.
Cardigan close-up 2

Love it! What do you guys think? Ever tried your hand at the needle-arts? ;-) No worries though, I should be back to re-upholstering and re-doing furniture in no time! I have lots of projects in the works... Blessings!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Not in the bad way.

In the Rachel Zoe kind of way.

"I die."

I think I'm obsessed with furniture and fabric the way Rachel Zoe is obsessed with fashion. Who knows, maybe.

But after looking at tons of pictures online today... I think I found some of my inspiration picto's. Aka pictures. Keep up with the MrsK-slang people!

Enter in linen and burlap.... and the amazing Aidan Gray.

aidan gray chandler chair

Did you know I want to do a bench soon??

Aidan Gray upholstered bench

And as the grand finale... Enter in Restoration Hardware...


I think Aidan Gray will be my personal interior decorator in heaven. Or even better, maybe we both work at Restoration Hardware together!

I'm just loving the laid-back style of using linens all over the place. And I'll admit when I saw chairs that were made with grain sacks and the like a few months ago I thought it was crazy. Now I'm seeing these pictures and I'm insanely in love with them. And the idea of linen drapes... my word, I think the heavens have opened up my mind! Needless to say, I am more than dying, and loving every second of it.

Plus I think I just fell in love with a $4,000 couch. Just don't tell my husband!